Breakout Sessions
LYFE features practical, biblically-focused breakout sessions that are taught by speakers who will engage your heart and mind.
Joanna Arp
Heavy Weight! Relief! Joy! Forgiveness!
“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. Jesus our Savior and sin bearer has made it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins. Hallelujah what a Savior!
However, it’s a fact, we still do sin against God. David committed a huge sin against God. What do we do when we sin willfully against God? Can we be forgiven? Will God hold a grudge against us? Psalm 32 explains the answers to these questions and the joy that comes from forgiveness. Come study this psalm and hear God’s instruction through David for learning about receiving the joy of forgiveness.
Merri Benjamin
Empowering Financial Grace: A Christian Woman’s Guide to Navigating Life Events
We will discuss the following: Budgeting with Purpose, Investing in Alignment with Faith, Financial Planning for Life Transitions, and Biblical Principles of Financial Stewardship and Generosity.
Lisa Biegert
Living Abundantly
We all want our lives to matter and we all want to live to the fullest. Jesus promised we’d have an abundant life, but how do we get there? Part of that answer is going to require being poured into—and then pouring back out. In a word: discipleship. This session will explore the promise Jesus gave us of having an abundant life, steps from Scripture on how to get there, and some practical how-tos for discipleship.
Dr. Lynelle Buchanan
Love, Actually.
We all long for love, we are commanded by God to love others, and yet love is often an enigma. Join me for a deep-dive into the topic of love that will help us understand our God better and will strengthen our relationships with others.
Susan Cagley
Hope Through Detours
In our journey of life, the road rarely matches what we map out for ourselves. In my cancer detour, God gave me hope through His word and the encouragement of the community of believers. Regardless of what you face, God will guide you through your detours—and your GPS can’t compare to His failsafe route.
Darlene Catlett
Living, Loving and Learning: Homeschool Wisdom for Every Season
Darlene warmly welcomes those contemplating homeschooling, those currently engaged, and even those with reservations to join her as she offers practical homeschool wisdom. We’ll explore how to ground your homeschool in faith, foster love in your family, bring extended family members on board, and navigate the unique joys and challenges of each season of the homeschool journey.
Haley Cleveland
Dealing with Deconstruction
The word “deconstruction” is a popular and confusing term today. What does it mean? How should we, as Christians, respond to those who are deconstructing their faith? In this workshop, we will use Scripture to navigate this complicated topic.
Dr. Heather Fornes
Whole and Well
Our world is moving so fast! Do you feeI like you fall more and more behind every day? Are you exhausted? More anxious? Worn out? Cranky? It’s so easy to let the urgent take over and neglect caring for ourselves in a way that will enable us to fulfill the unique roles and calling God has for each of us. Come to this workshop to learn practical strategies to boost your mental health and get a glimpse into how Scripture instructs us to live life to the fullest.
Amanda Goglin
No More Excuses! Seize the Opportunities God Offers
Many times, we look at the amazing, large leaps of faith people take to serve God can’t see how God will use us in that way, but God does an amazing work in our ordinary day-to-day lives, and most times He is calling us to a life of transforming reliance on Him in our daily activities of work, raising our kids, getting along with our co-workers, and understanding our family dynamics. It is through the mundane activities of each day that God is challenging our faith and calling us to take steps of faith outside our comfort level, but do we accept the challenge and take the leap? God will turn your ordinary into extraordinary when you take that next step. Join this session as we take a journey in God’s Word to see some snapshots into how others took a simple step of faith to an extraordinary life.
Paul Golden
Surviving the Storms of Life
Everyone goes through the tough times of life. If you aren’t in a storm now, hang on…one is headed your way. Broken relationships, health problems, financial difficulties or dreams cut short—we’ve all struggled with the defeats and disappointments of life. In this session, you will find comfort in learning the “whys” of storms as well as the “how’s” of surviving them. Join us as we learn to thrive while surviving the storms of life.
Brooke Greening
How to Grow Your Side Hustle Without Losing Your Soul
Christian women want to grow their businesses and honor God but feel conflicted because many approaches to sales and marketing seem selfish or unethical. Come and discover how the biblical principles for loving others are also the path to business success. You can honor God, love others, and sell more.
Charis Holloway
Things My Teenagers Taught Me
As parents of teens, we usually expect to be the ones to teach our children. So I was surprised when I ended up learning so much from them! Needless to say, it was during that time that God began a huge awakening in my husband and me. I’d love to share that journey with you!
Dr. Sherrie Holloway
What Do You Know?
There are plenty of times in life when I find myself thinking (or saying out loud!) “I don’t know.” In this information-overloaded world, there are other times I am trying to decide if I really NEED to know the information before me. (It’s no secret my students do that regularly!) Thankfully, not all of life is this tricky. There are several passages in Scripture where God states clearly what He wants the reader to KNOW. So…what do you know? And how will you respond now that you do?
Dr. Jim and Diane Lytle
50 Years and Counting: Nurturing Love and Resilience in Marriage
Benefit from 50 years of marital wisdom as we share practical advice and biblical insights for nurturing enduring, fulfilling partnerships.
Dr. Paul McGuinness
Move: Take a Step Toward that Goal that Seems Out of Reach
If something stirred inside you when you read that title, then there’s probably a calling or ambition that seems just beyond your grasp. Join us as we take a look at some proven principles that will help you map the way forward.
Dr. Stacie Norman
From Tribulation to Triumph
Life can be overwhelming, and at times, it seems the world is filled with tragedy, trauma, triggers and tribulation. However, we serve a loving and faithful Savior who walks with us through all of these difficulties. This workshop will provide an encouraging blend of Scripture and practical steps we can take to navigate the path from suffering to a place of hope and victory in Christ!
Ashley Paschke
From Here to Eternity: Deciding Well
James 1:17 tells us that every good and perfect gift is from above. God calls us to steward those gifts well. One way that we can steward our gifts well is to organize our affairs to prepare for end of life. We know that Heaven is our home but it’s so uncomfortable to talk about our personal affairs, our final wishes and death. By taking dedicated time NOW you can save your loved ones’ heartache, confusion and delays. You will be given insight to help you organize financial, legal and personal decisions.
Candice Richards
The Wise Wives Talk Show
“Being a wife is easy”…said no one ever! The truth is, being a wife takes work. Being a godly wife…well that’s even harder. Come hear tips from some wise women in the trenches, who have been committed to pursuing God’s plan for their marriage! You’re guaranteed to leave this workshop wonderfully wiser!
Sarah Scranta
Choose Joy! Cultivating Faith Regardless of Circumstances
When times are good, God is good. When times are bad, God is still good! Come along as we explore the sovereignty of God and gain a deeper understanding of how the Bible encourages believers to choose joy, even in the midst of trials. This session will draw on biblical principles, offering practical insights on cultivating a life where we “rejoice always, pray without ceasing, [and] give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18a, ESV).
Matt Setliffe
If You Really Want to Help? Empowering Women Living in Extreme Poverty
As believers, we see people living in extreme poverty and feel compelled to do something. But do our actions really help? In this session, Matt Setliffe (410 Bridge) will lead a highly interactive session; sharing biblical and practical principles specifically designed for women struggling in extreme poverty. The 410 Bridge does not define poverty as a material problem. It is an issue of worldview. And 410 Bridge does not define the poor as a set of problems to be solved. They are the solution. Join Matt as he shares the ‘secret sauce’ to ensure that any help we provide the poor is God-honoring and indigenously sustainable.
Hope Showers
In the Meantime
No matter where any of us are in life, we’re all waiting. We might be waiting for a dream job, healing of a loved one, a long-awaited pregnancy, a marriage, or quite simply, just for Christ to come again. Waiting is exhausting, and yet, we are to not grow weary in the waiting. How can we live “in the meantime” and not lose heart?
Carrie Verrocchio
Life is Short. Choose Wisely.
God gave us free will—and the choices we make everyday matter when it comes to the impact we have on the world around us. People are watching us. And when our choices match our faith, our impact for sharing our faith explodes. Unfortunately, many of us stumble when trying to make choices when faced with a trauma or when life doesn’t make sense. This workshop will give the tools needed to make the choices that bring God glory. All the time.
Jeannie Vogel
The Joy of Spreading Mercy in a Payback Culture
In a culture consumed with righting every wrong and calling out even perceived injustice, it’s easy to quickly share critical opinions and call for justice. Believers should take justice seriously, but we should also take another quality just as seriously. Mercy. It’s a forgotten virtue but part of God’s nature and something He expects from all His children. Let’s learn from scripture The Joy of Spreading Mercy in a Payback Culture.
Kristi Walker
Completely Devoted: Body, Mind, Heart and Soul
God gave you a body, mind, heart and soul and He wants you to devote them to Him…completely. This workshop will challenge and possibly transform the way you think about your life, your purpose, your passions, and your plans. In a nutshell, it’s about the cost of discipleship and it’s about surrender.
Sheri Walker
Seize the Faith
Does your faith in Jesus sometimes feel stagnant? I think we’ve all felt that way at some point. A brain tumor’s scare of paralysis and death revealed to me the brevity of my life. It intensified and accelerated a stagnant faith. I was faced with questions I hadn’t given much thought to. Did I really believe? What did I believe? Was I fully living out my belief? If you’ve asked yourself these same questions, struggle with hardships, or feel like your faith needs ignited, come along with me to explore these questions and others. We’re going to “seize-the-day,” but with a twist, as we seek to “seize-the-faith.”
Teresa Whiting
From Shame to Shining
Many women live with an undercurrent of shame simmering beneath their pretty posts and sweet smiles. Though we come to Christ with nothing to offer, we spend our lives feeling “not enough” and striving to prove our worthiness. This must break the heart of God, who came to rescue us just as we are and showcase His extravagant grace in our transformed lives.
Where does shame originate? How does it show up, and why does it hold us captive? How can we break from its grip? We who have been rescued and redeemed by the grace of Jesus have nothing to prove and nothing to hide. This breakout session is an invitation to move from shame to shining!